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Select Board Minutes 06/10/2015
Tuesday June 10, 2015 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lawrence Mandell, Chair
Elias Gillen, Member
Kelli Robbins, Executive Secretary

Mr. Mandell called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm

Motion 061015-1 Mr. Mandell, to waive reading of the minutes of June 2, 2015 and accept as written. Mr. Gillen abstained. Minutes to be posted as written.

Motion 061015-02 Mr. Gillen, to make Mr. Mandell Chairman of the Select Board. 2nd Mr. Mandell. So voted.

Mr. Mandell thanked former Select Board Chair, Lynn Arnold for all of her hard work over the last 3 years for the town of Holland both as Chair and behind the scenes. “Great job Lynn.”

Mr. Mandell welcomed Mr. Gillen to the Select Board. Mr. Mandell stated he has worked with Mr. Gillen before and knows Mr. Gillen will be a great asset to the Town and he looks forward to working with him.

Mr. Gillen thanked everyone for their support.

Old Business

Cox Communication update – the petition to intervene in the upcoming hearing will be mailed to the State House by Friday June 12, 2015 with copies to Senator Gobi and State Representative Todd Smola.
Mr. Mandell stated:  he is hoping this can be used as leverage to regain Boston channels.  Boston is our Capital and information from the Capital is vital to our community.

New Business
  • Mr. Mandell stated that he was tabling the discussion on operation of the building until the next meeting.  Mr. Mandell expressed concern about streamlining the permit process and that the Board of Health meeting on Thursday nights may not be conducive to that end. Mr. Mandell stated that until he has more information and research has been done the discussion will put off.  
Dana Manning asked to speak to the issue as did Kenneth Ference, both of the Board of Health.  Mr. Mandell stated that he would like to hear how the change is in the best interest of the Town and allowed Ms. Manning to speak first.
Ms. Manning stated that she views this as a personal attack.  She stated that this is just another of a number of things designed to disrupt the Board of Health.
Mr. Mandell attempted to reiterate that he only wanted to know why it is beneficial.  
Ms. Manning stated that it was voted unanimously at a BOH meeting, that it is inconvenient and sometimes impossible to attend Tuesday night meetings.  Ms. Manning stated that attempting to force all the Boards to meet on one night is violating her right to attend those other meetings held on Tuesdays evenings.  
Mr. Mandell responded by saying that when he took on the task of being Selectman he had to give up his position on the School Committee because he was not able to meet the commitment.

Ms. Manning repeated that she felt it was a personal attack. As Mr. Mandell attempted to explain that it was not a personal attack Ms. Manning left the meeting.

Mr. Ference then took the floor. Mr. Ference stated that when the Board of Health meetings were on Tuesdays, the Board was getting the people last which caused the meetings to run very late. Now, with the Thursday night meetings, the Board was finishing business at an earlier hour.  He stated it was better for the Board not to get out so late.  Mr. Ference also stated that the Board has received positive feedback about the new hours.  Mr. Ference then left the floor.

Mr. Gillen asked as a point of interest if the Board of Health used to meet on Tuesday nights. Ms. Robbins stated yes.  Mr. Gillen then asked if it was always so. Ms. Robbins stated yes for many years.

Mr. Gillen stated that the entire point is that the meetings are to serve the town citizens.
  • Mr. Mandell explained the need for a Lake Oversight Committee (LOC). The Select Board would like to see the committee gather all the issues and put together a strategic plan for the lake for both now and in the future.  
Mr. Gillen asked when the lake committee was originally instituted.  Ms. Christine McCooe asked if Mr. Mandell would like her to speak to that. Mr. Mandell responded affirmatively. Ms. McCooe believes it was after 2005 so possibly 2006. Ms. McCooe state that the group just drifted apart once Lynn Arnold was elected to the Select Board.  In the past the LOC sought and received grants, did bid writing but lost support from the Select Board, Conservation Commission and Planning Board.
Motion 061015-3 to reinstitute the Lake Oversight Committee. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted
Mr. Mandell asked Ms. Robbins to reach out the Conservation Commission and Planning Board to get members from those boards for the LOC. Mr. Mandell asked that if anyone was interested in being an adhoc member of this commission to please contact Ms. Robbins to be added for consideration of appointment.

  • WRHSAC – Western Region Homeland Security Advisory Council – Pioneer Valley Planning Commission is seeking a formal agreement to revise as needed and use the DRAFT WRHSAC sub-regional sheltering plan (as modified by the three communities) for use in the event of a disaster that necessitates sheltering from Holland, Wales and Brimfield.
Motion 061015-4, Mr. Mandell to cooperate with Pioneer Valley Planning Commission for this project. 2nd Mr. Gillen.  So voted

  • The Board received a vendor application today for the upcoming Carl Bean Charity baseball game.  It is for a charity and the Vendor will be contributing some of the proceeds to the children. The application is still pending until successful sign off by the Board of Health. Mr. Belanger, the vendor, will be meeting with BOH tomorrow night.
Motion 0161015-5, Mr. Gillen to waive the $20.00 fee. 2nd Mr. Mandell. So voted Chair Mandell signed application.

Announcements None

Appointments  None
Public Access   - Mr. Mandell stated that going forward there would be no discussion regarding any other board, commission or employee during the public access. The person who wishes to address the Select Board will state the reason. If it is determined that the reason is in regard to anyone else, that person, board or commission representative will be invited to attend the next Select Board meeting to address the citizen’s concerns.
  • Kimberly Hermanson – Ms. Hermanson stated she does not like the way appointments to town offices are done. Ms. Hermanson wants to know why the positions are not posted so that the people who currently have the position have to go through the same interview and hiring process she went through to become Executive Secretary and others can apply for the positions.
  • Mr. Mandell stated that the next Government Studies Committee meeting will be on Thursday, June 18th at 6pm.
  • Christine McCooe –
  • Ms. McCooe stated she has heard from many people that they like having the Board of Health meetings on Thursdays and that the Select Board should listen to the people, not the vendors. Mr. Mandell stated that he is listening to the people and he has received multiple complaints which is why the Select Board is looking into it.
  • Ms. McCooe asked if the Red Cross has certified the Community Center as a shelter. Ms. Robbins stated no it is not. Ms. Robbins stated that the Emergency Management Director has a well defined list of pros and cons why it was not done. Ms. Robbins suggested that the Emergency Management Director be invited to the next Select Board meeting to address the issue. Select Board agreed to the suggestion.
  • Ms. McCooe stated that several seniors  have asked her to look into becoming the Outreach worker because of issues with the current position. Mr. Mandell stated that there would be no discussion of the Outreach position unless the Outreach worker was present.
  • Steve Anderstrom –
  • Mr. Anderstrom stated the Outreach worker did a good job. Mr. Mandell reiterated that no discussion pertaining to that position would be discussed.
  • Mr. Anderstrom suggested staggering the meetings on Tuesdays because that has worked in the past and is working well for the office that already do that.
Ms. Robbins was asked to put the Outreach worker’s information and phone number on the website.
Mr. Mandell motion to adjourn, seconded Mr. Gillen. So voted at 7:46 pm.
Next meeting to be June 23, 2015.